Technology to prevent criminal acts in warehouses and cargo transportation

The security of the logistics chain is a central issue for companies, since its interruption, whether due to criminal acts, lack of supplies or any event that makes the distribution of products impossible, causes economic losses.

Crime in cargo transportation in Latin America has increased since 2016.

According to figures from the National Company Victimization Survey (ENVE), during 2022, the theft of merchandise in transit had an incidence of 7.3%, which translates into 211,700 thefts of the 2 million 900,000 reported cases.

The Economic Commission for Latin America (ECLAC) indicates that, although the theft of merchandise has always been a business risk in transportation, the globalization of markets and logistical approaches based on the minimization of inventories and punctuality in deliveries , have made security a differentiating element from the competition and an essential requirement for entry and permanence in the most developed markets.

“Companies in this sector need comprehensive technology to keep their warehouses safer and smarter, especially when there are a large number of people, vehicles and goods moving every hour,” said Miguel Arrañaga, executive at Hikvision México.

“To improve the overall security of logistics parks with a focus on personnel, goods and vehicles, there are functions with thermographic, video and Artificial Intelligence technologies,” he added.

Significant changes

Arrañaga points out that seeking to improve comprehensive security by increasing warehouse traffic management, improving shipment scheduling capabilities and tracking packages at all times.

This means comprehensive security surveillance in staffed and merchandise warehouses for logistics operators, and protection of visitors and staff with automated access control and attendance control.