The transport sector is one of the fundamental elements of the economy in Europe. What’s more, across all its platforms, this industry directly employs more than 10 million people and represents 5% of the GDP of the entire European Union.
In nations like Spain the figure increases to 7.9%, which gives an idea of the relevance of the transportation industry for the economic fabric. Furthermore, it is vital for society to continue developing and its role in people’s quality of life is indisputable.
However, and although these figures predict that the transport industry will have an optimistic future, there are several challenges that the sector faces and with which the companies that form it have to deal.
These challenges are what they talk about in the report “Four key pillars for successful transportation”, a free document that Webfleet Solutions has made available to companies that are dedicated to this business.

The keys:
Transportation companies were able to identify in which areas they can make changes that improve their operations and results.
After interviewing 1,200 transport fleet managers across Europe, the report broke down the four key elements to take into account so that companies can carry out their work competitively and adapt to the new economic environment. To stay at the forefront of their businesses and be much more competitive and efficient in delivering services to their clients, companies must take particular care in aspects such as:
- Regulatory compliance
- Increased productivity
- Fuel price fluctuations
- Road safety
In the document, transportation companies were able to identify in which areas they can make changes that improve their operations and results, with some very simple steps.